Cultivating relationships is the greatest investment you can make for you and your business!

The success of your business depends on your ability to have these specific influences on these three types of relationships.

  • Attract, Enroll and Transform Your PERFECT Customers
  • Design, Manifest and Lead your Dream Team
  • Magnetize and Collaborate with Your Ideal Affiliates

Like your life, your business is ALL about people.

You provide a service for people and you depend on other people to help you provide that service. Your relationships directly affect your ability to help others while taking care of your own needs.

How will your life and business change when you’re able to easily attract your ideal clients, lead a highly functioning team to leverage your time and collaborate with top leaders in your niche to promote you to their communities?

Join us for the FREE "Connecting to Your Soul Tribe" Workshop,
Monday,  January 8th, 2024 from 7:00 PM - 8:30 PM Eastern Time.

(While we encourage you to show up LIVE, replays will be provided to everyone who registers.)

Your Hosts: Mark and Renee Porteous

Co-founders of the Soul Affiliate Alliance and The Joint Venture Directory, Mark and Renée Porteous are dynamic duo-preneurs and conscious parents of twins, one girl and one boy. 

Besides running the technology/operations side of their business, Renée owns and operates Divine Order Management which supports transformational leaders with the day to day business operations, allowing them to focus on sharing their message with the world.

Known as “The Soul Connector,” Mark is a Joint Venture Strategist and Affiliate Concierge. Transformational Leaders hire Mark to reach more people with their message by developing soulful alliances so they can make a greater impact in the world, while enjoying more freedom and ease.

Together, Mark and Renee are a powerful force, offering high-level guidance and connections, plus full management and technical support to leaders in the personal development industry.

Mark Porteous attracts the most intellectual, spiritual and loving people who are up to making a difference on this planet. If you are somebody who has a movement and you want to be part of a tribe that is aligned and has vision, you want to be at Mark Porteous' event!

Afrin Khan, Co-Founder of  Red Elephant, Inc

I felt motivated & engaged by the incredible generosity, wisdom and support from Mark and Renee. I am soooo beyond thankful for all the TONS of goodies, most especially, for the deep reconnection to my passion, my path and my purpose. You don’t have to go it alone.

Julie Genovese, Nothing Short of Joy

This was without a doubt, the best event I've ever attended like this. I mean, I've been to a number of them, but I've never felt the soulful connection like I did here. Almost any place that I turned or anyone I sat with or stood to speak with was just like a heartfelt entrepreneur that was there to share their gifts, share their heart, share their goals and share their love. I highly recommend Mark Porteous and his events. Thank you Mark and Renee. I will see you at your next event!

Jan Stringer, Attracting Perfect Customers

During my recent two years of rapid personal, spiritual and business growth, Mark has been among the top few individuals who have had the greatest positive impact on my life and career. AND, I owe 2 of my other top 5 most important personal and professional relationships directly to Mark, as well as several other productive JVs and mutually supportive friendships. Wow. Total game-changer!

Edward Mannix, Creator of The Compassion Key

Monday,  January 8th, 2024 from 7:00 PM - 8:30 PM Eastern Time.

(While we encourage you to show up LIVE, replays will be provided to everyone who registers.)